After she hit send this time, Nigeria blocked Quardier and slid her cell back into her purse. She
would never entertain this shit with her own man so she for damn sure wasn’t about to entertain
shit behind a nigga that wasn’t hers. She’d retrieved her visa from her wallet to pay for her
beverage when someone handed over their card on her behalf instead.
“Oh no, thanks but I got—"
“Damn, so not only are you ignoring the fuck outta’ nigga but fuck me and everything I stand for
huh, Nigeria?” Quardier whistled, he slid the bartender his card anyway as he nodded in
disbelief. “That’s a fucked up way to feel ‘bout a nigga. Especially one that can’t get you off his
mind and can’t stop thinking about sitting you on his face.” Quardier said before he took a sip of
the amber liquid that was in his glass.
All that sexy male, big dick energy standing so close to her, was suddenly overwhelming but in a
good way. He didn’t know it but her body was now ready to adhere to his every command. Gone
was her brazen confidence and in its place was sheer horniness and curiosity. She’d forgotten
what she was even pissed about in the first place and couldn’t think of shit else but the way her
body kept reacting to him.
A heavy sigh slipped from her lips as she shook her head irritably. “Quardier, I—"
“No, I’m not about to do this with you right now,” She waved a dismissive hand as she reached
for her drink.
“So you ain’t tryin’ to talk to me?” Quardier ignored her attempt at brushing him off as he used
his free hand to graze the back of her neck. You done fuckin’ wit’ me before we even got a
chance to fuck shit up together?”
“I uh—I’m sorry I gotta go. My friend is waiting for me.” Nigeria quickly grabbed their drinks
and food ticket and quickly made her way through the crowd back to her table.
“Oh no baby girl, spill honey,” Asia demanded before Nigeria could even slide back into her
chair. Her brows rose as she eyed her quiet friend who placed their refills in front of them. “Who
is the sexy ass nigga at the bar that can’t keep his eyes off you boo? His fine ass resembles
rapper Big Sean a lil’ bit.”
“That’s Quardier.”
“Wait, that’s that nigga?” Asia looked to the bar, then to Nigeria and back again as a big smile
slowly spread across her face.
“Yeah.” Nigeria responded with a nod while a grin tickled the corners of her lips.
“Oh bitch, ignore everything I said,” she was too tickled as she clapped and threw her hands
about hilariously. “I don’t know how you ain’t fuck that nigga on sight for one. His ass is gon’
put a baby in you for two,” she displayed two fingers as she danced around in her seat. “And for
three, gurlll, that man is sexy ass fuck! You need to hop on that dick pronto!”
“Hell nah, not a whole baby Asia.” Nigeria chuckled as she shook her head at her friend.
“Gurl, two babies if you ain’t careful. He looks like a tall glass of addiction on a hot girl summer
day. Anddddd we now for damn sure know why his ex-hoe can’t leave him alone for four.”
“Why?” Nigeria’s brows raised as she eyed Asia with a smirk while she sipped her martini.
“Why?” Asia repeated in disbelief. Grinning, Asia cocked her head to the side and smacked her
lips for emphasis. “Ni, the nigga’s dick looks like it’s a mile wide from here. The fuck! He looks
like he can bench press you and three more bitches without breaking a sweat and he’s fine as
fuck! Nigeria get yo’ ass over there and suck his dick right there at the bar before another bitch
beat you to that nigga!”
“Asia if you don’t shut up and go do stand-up comedy on somebody’s stage for one, fool.”
Nigeria laughed between sips of her nearly empty glass. “For two,” Nigeria sobered slightly. “I
am doing exactly what you said before you lost yo’ ever loving mind. Quardier comes with
baggage I refuse to deal with so fuck him. He can take that shit to another hoe.”
“I might’ve jumped the gun with my advice this time Nigeria.” Asia held her hand up to interrupt
but Nigeria wasn’t having it.
“Asia, I’m so serious right now. My life ain’t no joke. Fuck him,” Nigeria frowned before she
grabbed her drink and downed the rest of it, slammed her glass down and stood. “Now I’m going
to dance, are you coming with?”
“Yeah, but listen Ni, all jokes aside. The whole time I been talking shit, I watched that man turn
down twelve women since you walked away from him. And he did it all without taking his eyes
off you. Now, we know my track record ain’t shit when it comes to a decent nigga but I been on
the wrong side of love too many times not to know what it looks like when a man only has eyes
for the woman that has his heart. Ain’t no nigga ever looked at me like that yet sweetie, so I’m
speaking all facts right now. I don’t know what the hell is going on between y’all but the sexual
energy and concern in his eyes when he looks at you is some shit straight up out of a romance
novel. So, at least hear the nigga out.” She urged with a shrug. “I mean, at some point.”
“Fine. But I’m done talking about this for now. Soooo, let’s quit talking about this shit and go
enjoy ourselves.”
“Lead the way juicy booty.”
They hadn’t even made it to the dance floor before some dude gently grabbed Asia by the hand
and asked her to dance.
“Go, get yo’ freak on girl. I’ll be across the room.” Nigeria assured her friend just as Asia was
about to turn down the guy’s invitation. Nodding with a smile, Asia blew a kiss to Nigeria while
already talking shit and slow grinding her ass up against the dude's dick.
While making her way across the room, Nigeria spotted Quardier’s heated seductive gaze lock
with her desire filled irises. Immediately, she turned in the opposite direction to try to go a
different way but he grabbed her up by her waist before she could get away. Pulling her against
him, Quardier licked the nape of her neck as he effortlessly rolled his dick against her ass cheeks
as the chorus of Freak Me by Silk began to serenade them.
Nigeria exhaled as his compelling nature took hold of every inch of her. Never had a moment felt
so right. Being wrapped in a man’s arms had never felt so perfect. So safe. Or made her so horny
in her life. Whatever he wanted from her at this moment was his.
“This what you doin’ now Nigeria,” Quardier asked between kisses against her collarbone as he
turned her to face him and pulled her close. “Actin’ like you don’t want me and shit?”
“Let me go Quardier,” Licking her lips, she tried to appear uninterested but this man was quickly
becoming her one true weakness. “What are you even doing here anyway?”
“Came out to unwind and enjoy myself. That a crime?” he asked as he ran his tongue along her
“No,” her breath became thick and breathy with desire. “I just wasn’t expecting to see you.” A
sudden rush of sexual warmth spread through her body and settled between her thighs.
“Is seeing me a bad thing?”
“Yes,” Her lips trembled softly with anticipation of Quardier’s next question.
“Why, what’s so bad about it?” He ran his hands up the small of her back and around her waist
and began to rain kisses upon her silky soft sweet smelling skin.
“Let’s not play this game, you know why,” Exhaling deeply, she smiled softly. “Please let me go
“You really want me to let you go?” Quardier whirled her back around and slowly inched his
hands up her gold sheer lace top and under her bra and began caressing her nipples with the pads
of his fingers.
“I—I. Mmmm, fuck…” she mumbled as her eyes slid close. She immediately relaxed against
him as his hands turned her body into his own personal playground. Nigeria was a sucker for a
man that knew how to play with her titties and her clit just right. It was so relaxing and intensely
gratifying. It made her orgasms so much more intense when they were properly teased. She
wasn’t sure how Quardier knew just how to touch her but if he didn’t let up soon, he was gonna
make her ass cum right there on the dance floor.
“Say that again Nigeria babe, I didn’t hear you,” Low chuckles followed his sarcasm as he
removed one hand from her top and slid it under the elastic waistband of her black mini skirt
until he reached the softness of her pussy lips. Slowly, he slid his fingers back and forth through
the soft silky wetness before spreading her lips and began rolling his thumb across her clit.
“I-I can’t—"
“What can’t yo’ sexy ass do babe?” He slipped a finger inside as he continued to graze his
fingers across her throbbing soaked clit as she slowly ground her pussy against his touch.
Her eyes slid closed. “I can’t handle the effect you have on me. Staying away from you is best.”
She almost bit her tongue on that untruth. She moaned she was so lost in the moment. She
wanted this man so bad it wasn’t funny but getting hurt wasn’t an option.
“What if I don’t want you to stay away from me Nigeria?” he asked in between kisses up her
cheek before tracing the seam and corners of her lips with his tongue. “What if I only want to
hear every inch of you scream my name?”
“I’d say too bad ‘cause I’m not interested in what you’re interested in.” His touch caused her to
struggle to keep her moans from slipping from between her lips.
There I go lying again, his touch is fucking making me cream. If his hands feel this good, his dick
gotta’ be fuckin’ exquisite.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. I want you, Nigeria. I wanna spread your pussy lips with my
dick, not just my fingers,” He whispered as he gently added another finger between her drenched
lips which caused her to moan his name.” Thankfully, Quardier’s lips and the music masked the
intensity of her pleasure.
“Quardier,” soft moans slid around her words. “Please, move your hand before—"
“I’m not moving my hand until you cum. Don’t worry, you’re so fucking close babe.” A
seductively devilish grin curved his soft lips as he began moving his fingers back and forth
against her clit while stroking her g-spot. He wanted her right where he had her, so gone she
couldn’t think of shit else but the way he was making her body yearn for him.
“Ooooo fuck, Quardier. Please, you’re gonna make me cum,” Moaning, she pleaded as he began
increasing the speed of his fingers rhythm into her softness. No longer caring who spotted her
getting finger fucked on a public dance floor.
“That’s exactly what the fuck I plan to do. Now cum Nigeria. Cum for me baby. Let me feel how
wet you can get.” He coaxed, loving the feel of the way her wetness covered his fingers.
“Ahhhhhh Quardier yessss! Shittttt!”
“There you go baby,” Grinning, he removed his hand from under her skirt and licked his fingers
clean. He made her face him once more, grabbed her by the neck and pulled her until their lips
touched. He licked the seam of her lips before his tongue found hers. He consumed every inch of
her mouth and silky tongue. He explored and devoured her, delighted in her, sucked, licked and
kiss her into the most erotic lip lock. The tongue thrusting deliciousness was so sensually potent.
Nigeria was enraptured in his expert skills and tongue game before she took lead and effortlessly
drew his tongue deeper into her mouth and consumed the long thrusts of his tongue. The velvety
smooth warmth danced with her so intensely, the entire room disappeared. The age old rhyme
completely engulfed them in a paradise neither of them wanted to end. The tender rough yet
gentle way he handled the way she took the lead only made her crave him more and as she
returned and reveled in the completeness of their lips crashing together and their tongues
mingling and mating, it was as if time stopped and gave them the perfect moment to experience
ultimate seduction.
“Shit, you kiss me like that again and I swear, you gon’ fuck around and get yo’ pussy ate up in
this muthafucka next.” Quardier’s warning grazed her cheek, causing her entire body to shiver
with heady carnal thirst only for his stroke. Even wrapped in his arms, Nigeria’s body was still
greedy for his touch.
Nigeria’s lips curled into a grin as she blew her hair out of her face and fanned herself with her
hand. “You put your lips on me first, I just returned that same energy. And you wouldn’t dare.
Not with all these folks up in here.” she released a heavy lust laced breath as she slyly skimmed
the room to see if they were being whispered about.
“You wanna fuck around and find out?” he met her gaze, daring her to test him. The way
cockiness and sexual hunger flickered in his eyes, prompted her to avoid responding to him all
together instead of with the smartass remark that was on the tip of her tongue. Something told
her, that Quardier wouldn’t hesitate to do exactly what he said he would and a whole lot more.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so.” A sexy chuckle followed his cocky ass remark. “And you ain’t have to
tell me I bring out the freak in you, I already knew that shit.”
“I never said that Quardier,” Nigeria said, wondering how he’d seemingly just read her mind and
made her pussy aches so deliciously from words alone.
“You insinuated it with that “same energy” shit.”
“Ha, oh okay,” she grinned against his shoulder. “Maybe you do or maybe, I’m the one who
brings the freak out in you,” Nigeria softly pressed her index finger to Quardier’s chest, stood up
on her tiptoes and nastily ran her tongue across his soft lips.
“Nah,” he pressed his lips together in disbelief before he whispered, “You would’ve just come
all over my dick instead of my hand if that was the case.”
“That’s so not true but hey whatever you wanna’ believe...” Grinning, she shrugged as she ran
her hand down Quardier’s chest and exhaled a soft satisfying sigh. “I’ll go with it since you just
kissed me like we were about to star in our own porno.”
“There’s still time for us to make one. Just come back to the crib wit’ me.”
“Nice try, but I’ll pass,” She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth while shaking her head just as
a low moan slipped from between her lips. “Let me go clean myself up. I’ll be right back.”
“A’ight. Hurry up woman. I was just getting used to holding you in my arms.”
“I’ll think about it,” Smiling, Nigeria slowly slipped out of his embrace. “Quardier?”
“Wassup sexy ass?” his smile soaked her panties even more.
“Don’t get used to it.”
“Why not?” he licked his lips as he lazily traveled her thick seductive frame.
“‘Cause you gon’ like it too much.”
“Too late, I already do.”
Nigeria’s eyes sparkled with humor as she immediately severed eye contact and headed to the
ladies’ room but at the last minute, glanced over her shoulder before she called Asia and quickly
snuck out of the back exit.